Makes 2 medium pizzas.
1 Tablespoon sourdough starter
15 g (3 tbsp) whole psyllium husk(If using psyllium husk powder, use only 13g.)
1¾ cups lukewarm water
200 g caputo pizza flour (gluten free)
60g Millet flour
60g Sorghum flour
8 g (2 tsp) olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
Measure flour, olive oil and salt into your mixing bowl.
Measure psyllium into a medium bowl and then pour 1 cup of warm water and mix until a glue like paste is formed.
Add psyllium paste to flour bowl and begin to combine. Make sure your dough is Luke warm before adding your starter culture.
Slowly add the remaining liquid until a soft dough is formed.
Once done tip out onto a board and roll using millet flour to prevent it sticking.
Set aside to rise/ sour for 10-12 hours or more.
Bake on a pizza stone with toppings all at once. I use a bbq but the oven works well too!
Tip add a little extra millet flour to your base before you tip your pizza to prevent it from sticking when you slide it into your oven or bbq.
